Estimated Delivery Times:

   Canada:1-2 weeks
   United States: 1-2 weeks

Customs & Import Taxes:

Buyers are responsible for any customs and import taxes that may apply, and should note that postage delays may occur during border crossings.

Cancellations, Returns, Exchanges & Refunds:

Cancellations may be requested via our contact form, but will only be accepted within 24 hours after ordering.

Returns made within 30 days of purchase will be refunded for the items cost, not the shipping cost. Return shipping costs are to be covered by the buyer.

We do not accept exchanges.

Additional Shipping Information:

Orders will be shipped weekly on Tuesdays.

Once your order has been shipped it is out of our hands. We have no control over any delays, damage, or additional fees that may occur while in transit within the postal system. 

Items shipped via letter/flat mail within Canada do not get tracking, so please keep this in mind when ordering certain items (i.e. stickers).

If your order has not arrive within the estimated shipping time or you think it may be lost, please check the locations listed below before getting in contact with us.

If the tracking states your order has been delivered you can: 
In the event that your order has been returned to us we will contact you. From there you will have the options of repaying the cost of shipping to have your order sent out again OR having your order canceled and being refunded the cost of the item(s).

Attempting to bypass federal wildlife, import/export laws by sending orders containing animal remains to a mail forwarding agency or another Canadian address to be shipped across international borders, will not only void our refund/return policy, but you may be susceptible to hefty fines or even jail time.

For more information on why we can not ship our pieces containing animal remains outside of Canada, please see our FAQ page.